
When crammed into a room with a bunch of less than eager boys the only thing to do is head for the snacks. As the boys realise that they are losing their audience the attempt to throw glow sticks at them.

Wether or not they think that this is some sort of way to attract us I have no idea.

But either way…

It’s not working.

As the science teacher who is posing as a DJ starts to hit the decks everyone leaps to the dance floor to show off how good they are at dancing to ‘Gangnam Style’ both boys and girls barge to get a place in one of the dreaded dancing circles (beware of ‘accidental’ elbow jabs) 

And don’t even get me started on the scramble for the few good looking guys when taking to the floor for a ‘slow dance’ (for this My Heart Will Go On is a must)


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